"Is the About Us page done yet?"
"Why not?"
"Because we didn't have enough time to write it."
"We were out fixing sprinklers."
Unfortunately, that was a conversation that I had with my top Rocklin sprinkler repair techs for three straight weeks. So, I decided I'd do it myself.
I've owned and operated this Rocklin sprinkler repair company for over 15 years. In the beginning, it was just me and 1995 Ford pick-up. I worked hard, put in long hours, and gave every customer the kind of service that got them talking. Pretty soon I was booked solid from daybreak to sundown 6 days a week (I didn't work Sundays). After about 6 months of non-stop repair jobs, I was starting to burn out. That's when I posted my first ad for a sprinkler tech. And that's when I learned my first lesson about professional sprinkler repair – a lot of techs don't have enough knowledge to do the job right.
The first few interviews I did included people who had previous experience working on sprinkler systems – or so they said. While they could demonstrate the ability to switch out a sprinkler head, that was about the extent of it. It wasn't until the third week of interviews (which I was doing on Monday evenings after working 12+ hours) that I found someone who knew how to measure and adjust pressures and troubleshoot hidden leak issues. Glen's still with me today.
With my first real employee on board, I was able to cut back my work hours to 6am to 6pm six days a week. I quickly realized that I would be better off calling back a few of the more promising prospects and teaching them the ins and outs of irrigation systems. I took on two greenhorns and had them shadow myself and Glen.
After 6 months of training, the new guys were ready to go out on their own. Back then we had those chirping phones. I bought 4 of them so the new guys could always contact Glen or I if they had a problem. Thankfully, these guys turned out great. The business was booming, and everything was working out great. That's when I decided to add design and installation to my list of services. Unfortunately, I made this decision in 2007, right before the bottom dropped out of the housing market. I had already bought the equipment, and it sat in my shop for over a year before I finally used it. Today, I own two trenchers and various smaller excavation tools. I have a staff of 15 and 10 service trucks.
Want to know why I'm so successful? Ask my customers. They call me back because I do a great job. I earned every one of them by hiring and training the best talent in the area. I'm not the cheapest choice, but when you call my Rocklin sprinkler repair service, you're going to get the highest-quality repair in town.